Yves Maingoy wrote:
I don't understand why dont you use a compatible
base-64 converter ? Have you any secret reason ?
I had never heard any �official base-64 code� before the making of �Text-Convert�. When I noticed the �base-16� file was too big in the message area, then I thought I could make something more compact, without knowing that there was other�s �base-64 converter� somewhere. Actually, I had no idea about �base-64� until 20/9/03 (Saturday) when Donald asked for �text box� for input to the program. At that time, the idea just came to my mind. Therefore, on 21/9/03 (Sunday), the �Hex-Convert� became �Text-Convert�. I designed the �base-64� the naive way, mimicking the base-16: starting with the number (0-9), followed by the alphabets (A-F), etc. I noticed that lowercase letters (a-z) has higher ASCII number, so I put them after the uppercase letter (A-Z). Then I saw �{� and �|� after �z� in the ASCII table, so I used them. Later, I realized that sometimes I need filler at the end of the file, then I picked the character, �}�, which is still printable.
Now (after you told me), I know the existence of such base-64 (�A-Z�, �a-z�, �0-9�, �+�, �/�; and the �=� as EOF.). I prefer to use this conversion (�A-Z� first) to mine (�0-9� first) for the reason of compatibility with the world.
The format:
: xxxxxx
File : abcd.zip
Size : 1588675
looks ideal to me.
Yves Maingoy wrote:
Look at my functions, and told me that do
you think.
Your functions look great and ready for use by any interface from and to the users. I agree with you that the idea must be developed. I�m supporting it.
When your program is ready, I�ll ask Donald to remove my program �Text-Convert� from the Utility page.
Suyono H. Yaphar