> I've just downloaded the temp 09 level file, but before I unzip it,rename
> can anyone tell me how to keep my old hs file? I THINK I should
> it to temp lt04_009 before I unzip the new beta, but somehow I've----------------------------------------------------------------------
> managed to screw this up every time. Any help [step-by-step would be
> nice] would be appreciated.
> Gerry
>the "g" in .ghs)
> This is the rigth procedure Gerry,
> But be carefull to use the correct name, it is not temp lt04_009
> it is temp LT40_009.hs
> (You rename your .hs file the same name as the .ghs file but without
>Thanks, Donald, just tried it and no problems. Cheers, Gerry
> To be safe, backup your .hs file before.
> Ðonald