Language support is now working fully and all of the languages that are available in classic LT are available in wxLT. I was going to wait until the Linux version was ready to make the next release but, as there are a few issues to work through, I'm going to make a new release available earlier. There will be some screen shots of it running in various languages added to the screen shot collection, too.
There are some additional language strings in wxLT that don't exist in LT, for things like tooltips, so the translations are incomplete. If anyone would like to contribute the additional translations, your help will be much appreciated. I will be putting the details on the web site. You'll find it's very easy. Even easier than the text files in classic LT, as you get to use a nice editor that does a lot of work for you. An added benefit is that you don't have to create a specific game package for your chosen language. wxLT supports them all and automatically uses the language of your OS, if a translation exists. A full translation is probably something like half an hour's work. Supplying the missing parts of the existing translations should only take 5 - 10 minutes.