Thanks, Donald, for putting up the Old Message Board in the Files
Section. Will you update it too?
And Now For The Bad News (sorry):
Jim, in the Internal Graphics, some spots are different in the
animations that shouldn't be. These are:
Tank Mover Down: Three (3) green patches on the left side of the Tank
Mover is changing places from the animations. Look for yourself.
Also, on the right side of the Tank Mover, 2 (two) green spots are
also changing places, together with a grey spot that is also changing
Tank Mover Up: One green spot (and maybe a grey, hard to see) is
Water: On the last (third) animation sequence, one black line appears
in the lower-left corner. Very annoying, and easy to see. Easy to
remove too, I have done that the LTtest graphic which I also have
sent an updated version of with the Tunnel masked.
Anti-Tank Down: One black spot on the Anti-Tank's 'nose' is flashing.
Also, when you shoot it, it gets pushed one pixel back, making almost
all black outlines get thicker and the one behind disappear.
Anti-Tank Right: When you shoot it, this one also gets pushed one
pixel back, making the upper outline get thicker. However, this time
the behind outline doesn't disappear.
Anti-Tank Left: Congrats, this time, the Anti-Tank stays on the spot
(or pixel, then). But, one black line appears behind the Anti-Tank,
and the upper line gets thicker.
Anti-Tank Up: This time, the Anti'Tank isn't pushed one pixel
backwards, but one pixel to the left, showing an ugly black line at
the right of it, and making the behind line thicker. But it also seem
it goes one pixel backwards (one back and one to the left, that'll
be). The grey shadow at the back also gets wrong.
I'm sorry. I hope these error-revealings will help you make your
Internal Graphic better.
Thank you,