restarts and how many times he hits "undo"
MentalFreak9 ~~
--- Original Message ---
From: "MrDoomMaster" <[email protected]>
To: "'LaserTank E-Group'" <[email protected]>
Subject: About my BIG project.
>Well, it's not so big anymore, I can't figure out howto start. What I'm
>doing is trying to create a spreadsheet that willdetermine a player's
>skill by entering certain data. The data I wasthinking about using was
>moves and shots, but not all levels take the sameamount of moves/shots
>so this wouldn't work. I need some suggestions ondata that could be
>used to determine a player's level of skill afterseveral levels have
>been beaten (probably a whole .lvl file (not theofficial one with over
>2000 levels) just one's that users make with theirown levels). With
>this spreadsheet, users will be able to send eachother their own lvl
>files and play them to try to beat their skill pointsand skill level,
>this way it can be a sort of competition. And whoeverhas the highest
>skill level/points at the end of the competitioncould have their name
>under "best player for *name of lvl file here*:" onthe laser tank group
>or web page. Although it might sound nice, I firstneed some help on
>what data could be most important for finding out theskill level of a
>player. Thank you all for the help!