Up Mover at C16
Right Mover at F14, F15
Ground at G14
Bricks at G15
Left Mover at H14
Score: 238 moves, 106 shots
Thin Ice at K9
Score: 257 moves, 88 shots
Challenge-V 189
Solid Block at D5
Score: 538 moves, 190 shots
Challenge-V 200
North-east facing Rotary Mirror at P9
Score: 327 moves, 84 shots
Challenge-V 201
Left Mover at B1, B5
Right Mover at D1, D5
Up Mover at A2, E2
Down Mover at A4, E4
Moveable Block at F6
Score: 244 moves, 137 shots
Challenge-V 214
Thin Ice at B11
Score: 447 moves, 156 shots
Running the LaserTank Update: Levels, High Scores and Playback Files program (LTUpdate.exe) on the next monthly update will delete your High Score(s) (if any) for this (these) level(s). To avoid loosing this (these) High Score(s), you should record your solution(s) and save the Playback file(s) to a temporary folder. After you run the LTUpdate.exe program you can copy this (these) recording(s) [Playback file(s)] back to your LaserTank folder, and use it (them) to restore your High Score(s) for this (these) modified level(s).