----- Original Message -----From: Suyono H. YapharSent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:51 PMSubject: Gumpisms.Hi LaserTankers:I like �Forrest Gump� (Tom Hanks starred.) He says many things about life. His quotes are collected in �Gumpisms� (by Winston Groom.)
Some of his quotes:
�Always save enough money for one phone call and one use of a pay toilet.�
�Coach Bear Bryant was always fair. He treated every one of us like trash.�
�Don�t eat anything you don�t know what it is.�
�Don�t get drunk around strangers.�
�Don�t lick anything that sticks to your tongue.�
�Don�t try to cut your own hair.�
�Don�t wear T-shirts which advertise somebody else�s products.�
�Dream, but don�t quit your day job.�
�If you are ahead, shut up and stay there.�
�If you can�t sing good, sing loud.�
�If you go to the zoo, always take something to feed the animals -- even if the signs say, �Do Not Feed Animals.� It wasn�t the animals that put them signs up.�
�Never wear a belt and suspenders at the same time; people might think you are paranoid.�
�People say the earth is round. But you don�t have to believe it if you don�t want to.�
�Try not to forget your telephone number.�
�Whenever somebody says, �I am here to help you,� hold on to your wallet.�Here are my �Gumpisms� in LaserTank�s world:
�Anti-tank is harmless unless you walk in front of it.�
�Anti-tank can�t be pushed backward.�
�Be sure where you will come out before you enter a tunnel.�
�Don�t play level you can�t solve, unless you really want to.�
�Don�t play saxophone with jelly in your mouth. Also, don�t play LaserTank with jelly on your fingers.�
�Don�t shoot bricks with anti-tank�s barrel behind them.�
�Don�t shoot mirrors just for fun; perhaps they will deflect the laser back to you.�
�Don�t sweat on the number of shots; for that matter, don�t sweat at all, as it will save you money on deodorant.�
�If your tank is dead many times, turn the sound off.�
�If you see a web of tank mover, jump on it. Probably it will take you to the flag.�
�If you solved a deadly level, playback the level a few times until someone comes.�
�Movable block at the corner is a pink solid block.�
�Sinking anti-tanks is amusing, but don�t forget your way to the flag.�
�Thin ice can be used only once.�
�Your chances of winning the GHS get a lot better if you play LaserTank�s levels.�Bye,
Suyono H. Yaphar
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Re: Gumpisms.
From Donald Drouin at 2003-09-11 21:08:57