----- Original Message -----From: SuyonoSent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:46 AMSubject: The most romantic hint.There are two competing levels in the
"Most Romantic Hint" category. In the
first level, the girlfriend's name will
show up on the LT board if you play the
game correctly. In the second level, you
can see "L <heart> M" on the board.
Which one do you vote for? Or: will
someone propose in the LT hint?
# # # # #
Beginner-I #0115 "my girlfriend" by
"show me the MONEYYYYYYY ;-)
Yeah .... my gf has a huge hole.... in
her hand :-(
but I love her anyway
# # # # #
Beginner-II #0301 "Lengliorla Loves
Meriadoc" by Lengliorla Goldenleaf.
"It was snow and ice outside when I
married Meriadoc in january 2000.
Make love not War ! (don't shoot) Just
skate on !"
# # # # #
Re: The most romantic hint.
From Donald Drouin at 2005-08-07 21:43:05