----- Original Message -----From: [email protected]Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 8:09 PMSubject: Re: CopyrightI think you have made a big mistake. The LaserTank 4.0.2 scorce code
** LaserTank ver 4.0 **
** By Jim Kindley **
** (c) 2001 **
** The Program and Source is Public Domain **
this causes serveral problems
1. (c) has no legal force. Only has legal force.
2. By releasing a copyrighted item into the public domain the
copywrite is voided.
This error should be fixed and perhaps you should for the next
version release the program under the folowing lincence(change 4.1 to
the version number and the years):
"LaserTank version 4.1 is copywrited ©2000-2002 by Jim Kindley. You
may distrubute the unaltered software and/or source code anyway ou
want provided that you include this agreement and do the charge the
consumer anything. You may distubute an altered version of the
software and/or source code provided that you include a copy of this
licence agreement with your name, a note telling the consumer that
the software/source code has been altered, and you do the charge the
consumer anything. Falure to follow this agrement may result in a
Do not do this without first consulting with a lawyer.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Jim Kindley" <jkindley@p...> wrote:
> Lasertank is freeware, it is not copyrighted.
> But I will be real mad if someone else makes any money from my game.
> Since I have never made any cash from it.
> Jim
> --- In Lasertank@y..., "Benjamin Simmonds" <night_hawk2021@h...>
> wrote:
> > Jim,
> >
> > I was just wondering what the copyright status on lasertank was,
> have you copyrighted the name "Lasertank" or the program at all?
> >
> > -Ben
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Re: Copyright
From Benjamin Simmonds at 2001-11-12 04:17:02