--- In Lasertank@y..., "James Hallam" <james@u...> wrote:
> Uh... Keith... sorry to break it to you, but the idea of Lasertank
is, AFAIK, to complete the levels as quickly as possible. If you
don't want people to go other routes, you should block them off.
> :)
> JH
> -----
> James Hallam
> james@u...
> http://www.unseen.f9.co.uk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: keith
> To: Lasertank@y...
> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:46 PM
> Subject: my levels??
> ok guys and gals i have been looking at some of my levels globle
> high scores? and there is no way some of them are that low.
> are all of you missing the point in my levels there is only one
> level maybe 2 of mine that you will have to get on the flag and
> shot at by the anti tank gun at the same time.
> my levels are all made to get the flag without getting shot. or
> at when getting the flag. try it that way and you will see they
> harder then you thought. :)
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Re: my levels??
From [email protected] at 2001-08-29 06:06:05