>I found a couple of threads on this message board, thanks. I have
> With the bugs, things like stopping objects from moving under the
> tank would be easy.
> And if you get the order of operations within each time step right,
> movement bugs such as thin ice not breaking will appear. You don't
> have to specifically code the bugs. You don't need to look at the
> source code to deduce the order either. I was discussing this with
> Mark (Sqir) recently. I can tell you more about it if you want.
> Then fixing all the bugs (if that's what you want to do) is simple,
> eg. make sure you check thin ice underneath stationary objects as
> well as moving ones. But then it won't be "Lasertank".
> New objects? Maybe remove rotary mirrors! :)
> I remember reading some suggestions for new objects in the message
> archives (new and old boards). You could look at those.
some ideas of my own as well. I'll admit though they aren't all
necessarily great ideas.
1. new tunnels. More colors, each new color would have a different
set of rules.
2. Gates that have remote triggers. This is essentially identical to
the Lava and Lava boots idea mentioned in an earlier post.
3. Gates w/ triggers and timers, e.g after you opened it you would
have 10 turns before it closed.
4. AT's with more than one laser.
5. AT's that can rotate to face you, 90 degrees a turn.
6. Enemy tanks. very dumb obviously. They would rotate or take a
step toward you per turn.
7. Lava, would require an asbestos block to make a bridge.
Some ideas that I've found so far that I thought were interesting.
1. Ice blocks, turns water to ice instead of a bridge.
2. Crystal mirrors, behave like a crystal on their non mirrored sides.