----- Original Message -----Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:06 PMSubject: Re: Tutor LevelsSteve/Donald,
Thanks. There DOES seem to be a download problem - in Netscape
(4.7). When I click on one of the tutor.lvl links, I get a white
page with about a dozen little boxes. I Saved this page to tutor.lvl
on my C drive. It is 9263 bytes.
When I click on one of the tutor.lvl links in IE 5.5 it seems to
download OK - it's 9216 bytes.
Donald - I don't know if there is something wrong with my Netscape,
or something wrong with the way you setup the tutor.lvl download
Good luck,
--- In [email protected], Stephen Ryan <stephen.ryan@3...>
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Re: Tutor Levels
From Donald Drouin at 2003-02-26 05:19:15