for "Ridiculous Final" (Special-I, 50) if it exists.
For second longest, ask Valvadac for his ">>>longest<<>>most<<<"
(Special-I, 95). this one's more likely to exist than the other.
Both, however, goes over 65 535...
There are longer, but they are repetitive work... I doubt they
actually gave a playback due to their ridiculous lengths.
The absolute longest, if you want to know, is Horst
Ledpeddle's "Trinary Counter 2" (Special-I, 250) at 2 777 223 777 580
moves. (not including the 1 turn involved)
As for the longest possible playback, make a level with down-arrow
tankmover right above the tank and the flag to the right, left, or
Move up for 65,533 moves, than turn to the flag and move there.
As for longest possible path to exit that you must take, use Horst
Ledpeddle's trinary counter and set it for 65,533 moves. (Yes, the
trinary counter can be set)
Hopefully this answers the question.
--- In [email protected], "Suyono H. Yaphar" <suyonohy@d...>