Their opinions could be as interesting
as the proposed ideas. You may create a
new poll asking for the opinions.
The questions can be:
1) Do you agree to divide our forum into
2) Do you agree to use avatar in our
forum's messages?
3) Etc.
My opinions?
I'm a rather conservative kind of plain
minimalist who enjoys the status quo
while possible.
Vanesa wrote:
> I suppos that I am not an ideal person
> to suggest something new for this
> forum; becouse I only read messages
> from time to time and not even then; I
> do not read all mesagges.
> But excuse me if I am wrong; when I
> thinking that this forum is not so
> ordered like some others!
> First: when we look at messages, we
> only see a subjects; there is no
> concret themes!
> Instead of that this forum have only
> a interesting poll.
> Secondly: Perheps author of the
> mesagge need something like:
> ''avatar'', nice picture. A few stars
> more or less; that depends upon how
> much they write, likewise on some
> other forums.
> Level makers can have flags or
> something like that, et cetera.
> I know that all this is not realy
> necessary for good conversation but
> believe me, all this little things
> make every forum more interesting and
> better organized. Something like that
> is necessary if you wish for more
> readers, writers and even a more
> members.
> I hope that administrators is gona
> have understanding for this
> suggestions. Afther all my English is
> not good enough and I have only a
> hope; that you understand me properly!