1 or 2 years ago I spent a couple of weeks quickly going through the
kids lvls just for the sake of doing them, so I've done a lot of your
levels. That's any in beg-I, up to 390 of beg-II, and any kids levels
in the challenge files.
I wanted to finish them as quickly as possible so I always hated it
when a long sokoban level came up because it meant another 5 or 10
min. Pushing 15 blocks isn't much harder than pushing 5. And it's
hard to minimise the moves, eg. I've had the ghs for beg-119
(526/1118) for a VERY long time but haven't submitted it because it's
not a good score. I can't speak for the others but they're not my
kind of levels. Don't take it personally.
Your easy and medium levels in Sokoban-1 are better but I hardly play
this lvl file so I can't really comment. But I did spend a lot of
time getting the ghs for Sok-I_1169. That was a good level.
Quality is most important but so is quantity. The best level creators
make a lot of Med/Hard levles. You've made too many levels and I
haven't made enough levels (16). Which is better?
By the way, my personal favorite lvl creator is Simeon, esp the Medium
ones near 900 in Ch-II.
--- In [email protected], "Mark" <secret.squirrel@...> wrote:
> --- In [email protected], <mzapdoswi@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for that, but have you actually tried to solve some of my
> levels and did you like some of them?