>...You will probably have to change the game bitmap into individual game
> I need many examples to know where
> the difficulty is in this job.
> I am searching a litle game under Linux with *.bmp and *.wav.
tiles. The reasone I use one big graphic is that it is easier &
faster in windows to draw this way.
I once ported Lasertank to DOS ( I never fully finished it), and I
used individual game tiles for each object. All tiles used the same
palette so I only had to load the game palette once. I assume that a
linux program will be much closer to a dos program than to a windows
program. I have also heard of a game/graphics library in linux, I
forget what it is called but I know it does all the low level game
stuff. You should figure out this aspect of the game first.
By the way I have the wav files of all the sound effects, I forget
if the source kit included them or not.