Sorry I made a mistake in Eg.#218. Corrections:
Eg. #0218�See the picture, at I9J9 and L9L10 there are 4 blocks which are going to I7I8 and N9O9. Our tank shoots right twice->(go to) L11->shoot up-> K9->shoot right 3 times->I10(I cut the processes of �Sgo to the up-right island and return⬝)->shoot up->K9->shoot left-> I10->shoot up twice, cost 15 moves(including two units). But there is another way to save moves: shoot right twice->I10->shoot up->L11->shoot up->K9->shoot left->shoot right 3 times -> I10(I cut the processes of �Sgo to the up-right island and return⬝) -> shoot up twice, cost 13 moves. The unit corresponding to J9 has been saved by 2 moves.
If you found more errors pls tell me.