I will write a program to change/delete the difficulty of a level
(in a .lvl file), and add it to the LaserTank Utilities Suite. Note,
you can use the LaserTank Level Editor (ltedit.exe) to change (but
not delete) the difficulty of a level.
I think that the ability to change the Hint would be also be
usefull - the user could then use this field as a "notepad" for the
level (e.g., to place a hint for the next time he tries the level).
What do you think?
--- In Lasertank@y..., "spug_enigma" <spug_enigma@y...> wrote:
> > There's no utility tool yet to remove a level's rating.
> > Maybe Harvey Solomon (DrWiseKing) would like to create this new
> tool and add it to his Utility Suite.
> That would be very appreciated.
. . .