been updated again, with three LTG's, altun4.ltg, zelda.ltg, and
heat.ltg. Plus the error about the current results link has been
ANYWAYS, I never get involved in any discussions, so I am writing
this message.
LPB files: No, I don't think that is a good idea do have access to
solutions to certain levels. I have a folder of some playback files
from memebers but I never use them becuase that would spoil the fun.
The level authors probably would not like the idea either, especially
if they create hard or deadly levels. Even so, there is always the
possibility of contacting the authors for solutions, which, in my
opinion, is good enough.
GHS files: I think that when you beat the global high score it
shouldn't change, only the local high score. A good example of this
is levels 725 - 727, by Kheper. They offer two ways to finish, one
being easy and the other being deadly. I was foolish enough to go the
easy way on all of them, and now my GHS file doesn't show the proper
moves, etc.
There should be, however, notification that you beat the high score.
A different colour on the window, perhaps.
Those are my opinons.
p.s. "You will loose game data. Do you want to save the game?"
That is the message that is displayed when I switch to a new level.
Shouldn't it be: "You will lose game data..."??? It is just a small
typo, but....