ah, very good, a new record. that's some good shootin'.
i see that
43,667 moves
+21,831 shots
=65,498 bytes
means you only had 2 bytes left with which to work.
so, a new race is on - less movin' and more shootin' is now required
to beat your record.
thanks re quinary - i also think it's pretty cool. it was a big help
that other people are making new levels, too, since it gave me lots
ideas compared to when i worked in a relative vacuum.
original trinary level:
---------------94 143 178 829 moves
3 017 485 141 754 150 390 627 moves
for the current quinary level, nearly trinary squared (moves^2).
unfortunately i have seen no cyclic cells that exceed quinary in
information density, so it may be near the pinnacle (which i also
said about trinary :>)
--- In [email protected], "yono_in_jkt" <yono_in_jkt@y...>
> Steve, your Quinary Counter is amazing.
> I used it to make a level with the most
> number of shots. Without too much space,
> the score 43,667/21,831 can be reached.
> The playback file can be packed into 136
> bytes only because its repetitiveness.
> See the attachment.
> Bye,
> Suyono