Trinary Counter I & II (and Trinary Counter III is coming) in Special-I.LVL by Horst Ledpeddle are rated �Kids� (yellow color). I believe the levels are intended not for kids. Players that are potential to have interest on special levels like Trinary Counter I , II, and III might skip (or never find) the levels, especially if their �Difficulty Option� is constantly set to filter out the �Kids� levels. Furthermore, the levels have a mathematical concept.
My suggestion is to rate the levels �Unrated� (white color). Therefore, the levels will always be shown regardless of the difficulty filter.
The only argument against it is the fact that there are repetitive moves only in the levels. However, in nature there are repetitive moves that kids are not allowed to do. (Chopping a large tree, for example.)
Probably Donald would consider this opinion.
Suyono H. Yaphar