but i am having trouble with jims minefield level number 28 i can
clear all the blocks in the corner but nomater how i shove the anti
tank guns there is not any way to get out of the lower right hand
quarter of the maze field with out getting shot??
khepers levels are the same way which is leading me to believe that
the powers of the internet are messing up the downloads when sent
through the servers.??? cause the ones i have trouble with there
are no ways to move the crates anti tank guns or mirrors on top of
the tank to get past any of them.?? nomater how i start them out.
all ways are blocked?? could i have just got a bad download of the
file? i dont think so cause all my levels are working only the one
had some crates missing but it is still workable? could there be a
bug in the code that will start removing things after you have had
the program so long??? a bug that was not found before?? cause i am
really not able to get by these. i will do them and record them
and then send them in to jim the recordings that is so he can see
the troubles i am having.??
but i am still not getting these emails. oh well will just have to
keep comeing back here.
keith h.