add Brick at F9
add Ice at G9
add Down Tank Mover at D7
add Ice at D9
add Thin Ice at N4
add Left AntiTank at O16
new Hint Score with new LPB (thanks to Sqïr- Squïrrel)
add Brick at H3,O4,B5,P9,B15
add Thin Ice at K3,B8
add Ice at C3,E3,I3,M3
new Hint Score with new LPB (thanks to sc-foudlaser)
new Hint Score with new LPB (thanks to Jay)
add Water at K13,L14
new Hint Score with new LPB (thanks to sc-foudlaser)
add Green Tunnel at K6
add Dark Blue Tunnel at J10
add Red Tunnel at L10
same score but new LPB (thanks to sc-foudlaser)