Nice to read your LTG Story
and thanks for making the cracks darker.
--- In [email protected], Suyono <suyonohy@d...> wrote:
> Thanks to Tina for the compliment.
> It's the story of my LTG's. (ArmyColors-Yono.ltg, NaturalColor-Yono.ltg,
> and OriginalColor-Yono.ltg.) I, as many other players did, downloaded
> English version of LaserTank (LT 4.0.6) and became familiar with the
> Internal Graphics (Jim Kindley's LTG.) After almost a year, I started
> browsing the LTG's. I liked Harvey E. Solomon's idea to add arrow behind
> the rotary mirror (see: LT40HES), while all other of his objects are
> still the same with Jim's original objects. I would use Harvey's LTG if
> the arrow was not so dominant in size and color. Therefore, I planned to
> make my own.
> My latest LTG update (Yahoo message #5299, Tue. 24 Feb. 2004) was made
> mainly to remove the cone in front of the rotary mirrors. I also made
> the rear part of the mirror more convex, so less space at the rear and
> more space at the front. Now, the path for laser beam is easier to be
> seen. (See the bitmap picture in the next Yahoo message, which I emailed
> separately because of the 64 KB limitation of the text size. You will
> need the Text-Converter.exe to decode the text to the compressed
> picture.) The path in the picture is indicated by the pink arrows.
> The grass was also changed. I used Grass-Maker.exe to create the grass.
> The settings, starting column one are: (R, G, B, %) = (144, 136, 16,
> 20); (128, 136, 16, 20); (112, 136, 16, 20); (96, 136, 16, 20); (80,
> 136, 16, 20). I clicked 'Random Grass' few times until I got a good
> pattern and saved the tile into a file. I repeated the process until I
> got about ten files. Finally, I picked one out of the ten saved tiles.
> The grass is smooth and seamless between tiles.
> The ice was made using Ice-Maker.exe. The settings are as follow.
> ArmyColors and NaturalColors: (R, G, B, %) = (192, 208, 255, 10); (208,
> 220, 255, 13); (224, 232, 255, 17); (240, 244, 255, 20); (240, 244, 255,
> 40). OriginalColors: (R, G, B, %) = (0, 255, 255, 22); (160, 251, 255,
> 18); (208, 247, 255, 15); (240, 244, 255, 15); (240, 244, 255, 30).
> The cracks were made using Thin-Ice-Crack-Maker.exe.
> Without the help using a program, it's difficult to make two adjacent
> tiles seamless. If you observe Jim's ice tile, you will see light green
> color (148, 255, 213) at the left and bottom edges. It happened because
> he should compromise between cyan (16, 255, 255) and white (255, 255,
> 255). Jim is very thorough. (Did you notice the function of the four
> bolts at the top of the solid or crystal block? I believe those bolts
> nail the blocks to the ground, so the blocks can't move. However, there
> is flaw. The light consistently comes from top-left direction, except
> for the cone of the rotary mirrors where the light comes from
> bottom-right direction.)
> Back to the letter. Yes, I'll make darker cracks version and send the
> LTG to Tina, so she can try for a while.
> I like many objects in other authors' LTG's. I like Gerry's tank movers.
> His rotary mirrors clearly show the path for laser beam in our example.
> And, he is the master in color combinations. An outstanding tank mover
> is also belong to Dron in his LTG "". For graphics quality, I
> like Yves Maingoy's "Warcraft II". And, the rotary mirrors that most
> clearly show the path is G. E. Meyerfeld's "Black&White".
> Players feel strange when they try a new LTG, so that's not the good
> time to make the decision. If a player likes a new LTG, he/she should
> try it for about two weeks. After that period of time, he/she may go
> back to the old LTG and make the fair comparison. If the new LTG is
> really good, he/she will see how strange the old one.
> Finally, it's the preview of one level I made. (This level was submitted
> to Donald about three weeks ago.) The level will indicate whether the
> player's LTG has good rotary mirrors to show the path for laser beam or
> not. This level is more difficult than the one I posted on Fri. 6 Feb.
> 2004 (Yahoo message #5261.)
> -----BEGIN FILE-----
> File :
> Comments : Decode this text using Text-Converter.exe Ver. 1.03.
> Size : 464
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> FgAAAExURy1Sb3RhcnlNaXJyb3JzMS5MVkxdj8FO
> wzAMhgvTBEwaMKnpxu0/gYRgEm8wTmhocJh24Zh1
> Lo1okylJQXtlzjwATugqtN9S48/+UztZxhJCZNkk
> KmAaOO04zcRYpB2nWToW43/+2M8O+nv/mHMRsONY
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> 40HSqWoHR6Snw8FwcIsYIV3IbrKloqLcW8X5psHa
> YwMWUrmcZNOuom+IH7CVDp8N93JVUU3aT/n981Ku
> 8fo4X85xjTejDfg3zx+xF/ULUEsBAhQAFAAAAAgA
> -----END FILE-----
> Bye,
> Suyono
> chdvl wrote:
> >
> > Hi Yono,
> >
> > I've seen your new LTG's and compared them with your old LTG's, I'm
> > impressed, they are really improved. Especially the gras and ice.
> > And of course Ihabs idea to flatten the mirrors is great
> > My favorite is the Original,because I also like the internal graphics
> > Only one question:
> > Is it possible to make the cracks in the thin ice a little darker??
> >
> > I can recommend your LTG's to anyone
> > Congratulations.
> >
> > Bye Tina
> >
> > P.S. I don't want to say that all the other LTG's are not good
> > This is only a personal preference