----- Original Message -----From: MrDoomMasterSent: Friday, August 24, 2001 5:13 PMSubject: Music in lasertank!I just thought of something so sweet... music in lasertank! here's my idea:customizable music to be played in lasertank (meaning, you can add/delete/edit music files in a certain folder to be played during the game.the music would probably be in MIDI format (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)Music that changes (randomly) for each level.Please, people... tell me what you think! you have to admit, being in an empty room, with no music, listening to the same old lasertank sounds over and over again gets kinda old, and frustrating. With music, you will have something to amuse yourself while you play!!!_____________________________
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Re: Music in lasertank!
From Donald Drouin at 2001-08-25 05:32:21