that one year ago. lol
Anyway a belated merry Xmas to you all and have a great new year.
Damn I hope mine is better than this one gone--couldn't get worse I
Chins up, have a ball all!
Mick J.
Hi LaserTankers:
I received this message one year ago exactly. Sorry for taking one
year to reply to this message.
PS: Long time no read (yours), Mick.
From: "Michael Jackson <wackojacko@w...>" <wackojacko@w...>
Date: Wed Dec 25, 2002 4:29 pm
Subject: No posts.?
Firstly merry xmas to all and secondly I am in heaps of Yahoo groups
that are much more sociable than this one. No blame to anyone but
we all have somnething in common,ie the game. But apart from the
game, haven't some of us made some friends? If so, why not post a
happy holidays to all or whatever?
Just my thoughts---ignorance is bliss!
Mick J.