> Jim,Sorry I messed Up. There is No ltank.rc (that was from ver 3.1). It
> The file ltank.rc is missing.
> Ðonald
has been replaced by the lt32l_us.rc & lt32l_us.rc.
I will update the file today and fix the readme.txt file.
A note about the french version: Robert did it last time, and we
changed the "U"ndo to "A". We found that this was bad because it was
too easy to press the "S"kip key by accident. We changed it back, as
I recal.
Another note: be carefull with the Tags in the help file. Some are
underlined, double underlined, hidden text & Footnoted. Try not to
mess with these. If you turn on Footnotes you can change any of them
that start with a K. These are the search words and they should
probably be changed to the native lanquage( leave the K )