> > But i think It would have been preferable if movement betweenI would have needed some way to store the directional info in the 8
> tunnels
> > would have been according to the order of their creation.
> >
bits I have per object. I don't think there would of been a way to do
All objects have an ID Number this number is from 0-63( 6 bits)
Tunnels use a slightly different designation. It looks like this in
binary "01xxdddX". the first two bits = "01" that designates a tunnel
all other objects start with "00". The X's are don't care fields (
the xx's were once d's when we had 32 tunnels)and the d's are the
tunnel ID number.
> Thats true, Donald...but I dont think we can get back on this, aswe
> now have many levels created following the way tunnels interactwith
> each others as it is now.Don't worry the logic is set for version 4.0, the only changes now
will be cosmetic things and the Level file.