pressing Print Screen (Prt Scrn) on the keyboard, but yes, it's a
pretty good idea...
I mailed Kheper two years ago and asked for Playback for one of his
levels, but instead, he gave me a screenshot like the one Meyerfeld
is explaining... It was a great help to solve the level :-)
--- In Lasertank@y..., "ge_meyerfeld" <gem@a...> wrote:
> Hallo friends of the Lasertank-Game.
> Here is an idea, i have since I play LASERTANK.
> What is about a �screenshot" (may be as an JPG-file) of every
> level, for that moment, where the LASERTANK (that means, the own
> tank, that every player moves with the mouse / cursor-buttons) is
> standing on that field, that it has to reach before it can move
> with one step to the desired and finishing flag-field that it can
> reach now with a single and unproblematic step ?
> I think, it would be very helpfull for every player (or not, if
> would be some �jokes" in this screenshot and so in the level)
> to solve �medium", �hard" and �deadly" levels
> (just for those players, who like this game, but couldn't solve
> these levels without a help).
> But this way would not say, �how" to reach the solving of the
> level in a way, that would make such a level from �deadly" to
> �medium".
> May be there is in future a field (button) in the game like
> the �hint", where this picture can be stored (saved) ?
> What do Mr. Kindley think about this ? Would it be possible?
> And, of course, what do the makers of �medium, hard, and
> deadly" levels think about this idea ?
> Please, excuse my English, if there are any asks, I will explain
> only in this message board, also by GEM@a...)
> And best for You all.
> With best regards :
> G. E. Meyerfeld
> P.S.: I am sorry for the layout, and if there are any mistakes,
> please let me know, but I have the 2 international known troubles :
> 1st : I am German
> 2nd : I am blondhaired