You are right. It is true that the destiny of tutor-with-playback(TWP for short) is an important reference for today�"s topic. I played it years ago. Now I downloaded it again and played
Even me, a several-years-old player, having played the 112 TWP levels years ago, now forgot that there is a TWP level file. And what happened to me is not the occassional case. So did Razorflame, a loyal lasertank player.
Then, how about most of the rookies?
The �Sstrongly recommended⬝ TWP level file, which should have been eye-catching, appeared at the well-hided page. We rookies(let me be a rookie) cannot find it at the first sight. We cannot find the file in monthly update. When we buy a newspaper, the most pieces of important news appear at the readers�" first sight. It is similar when we open a homepage.
The TWP file is a very nice attempt. If we let it easy for rookies to find on our homepage, Things will probably be better. But I don�"t think that just adding TWP level file into �Smonthly update⬝, in this special time, can solve the problem. Pneumonia cannot be cured by coldrex. The file can be improved too (everything has disadvantages and sometimes they shouldn�"t be ignored).
First, it is lack of enough teaching about how to improve the GHS. Years ago I talked with a level maker(He has made 3 hard levels in Challenge-III&IV level files). I dare say he is a good level maker but he is not a good GHS hunter. I complete his level with 200 moves less than his solution(about 600 moves). He is astonished that I should make a 400-move solution without finding a shortcut.
Second, It is lack of suitable levels for discussing. This is very important in my opinion. Let us imagine: if Donald gives us a topic: �SSay something about ��Being an inchworm�" ⬝, 100 players could have 100 thoughts, each having 100 words. But if he gives us �SSay something about ��Six blocks into the water�" , # 0002 in TWP levels⬝, We can say too much less. Of course Suyono�"s levels in TWP file is a very nice tutor(although not perfect), but in this time which has few people discussing, we need topics. If there is a series of good topics, our forum will likely be warmer, and rookies will likely to say more. And enough massages is the lifeline of a forum.
Thanks for your attention and I look forward to your reply.
Best regards, Lyf