Remember that the game is supposed to be FUN!
> Ok until now the topic "New Levels and GHS" has generated 19messages
> Out of those messages, the result that this gave me is :------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>LPB that he sent me
> Donald : Let Empty
> Henrique Marques : Let Empty
> Maristone : Add Authors HS
> LaserChris : Let Empty
> Trax : Add Authors HS
> Jim : Add Authors HS
> Tere : Let Empty and he asked me to not added his own
> Spug : Let Empty------------
> Here we have 5 Let empty and 3 Add Authors HS
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here are the qty. of LPB i have from the following authors:
> 2 from Gerry
> 86 from Ante
> 6 from G.E. Meyerfeld
> 5 from JP Lima
> 73 from Trax
> 4 from tere (he already ask me to not added these HS)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>reaction among us.
> What do I do?
> P.S. It's been a long time since that a subject had aroused so much