> For all those who have Microsoft Excel 9x or above, this applies toyou:
>Microsoft Excel 2002 spreadsheet). The major thing I want you people
> I have recently made some major updates to my Doom Exam (it's a
to test when you open this spreadsheet is Security. Try clicking on
one of the cells with red text. I would appreciate it if you would
answer the following questions:
> What version of Microsoft Excel did you use to view my Spreadsheet?
> Where you able to edit the cell C109?Yes
> Where you able to enter data in ANY cell (there are a few cells thatare locked and a few that are not. Try entering data in a cell which
contains a blue "0%" in it).
It worked
> If you were able to successfully enter/change information in anunlocked cell, would it save?
> Where you able to view the comments (you can view the comments foreach cell (only the cells with a red arrow in one of the four corners
of the cell have comments) by hovering your pointer over it, and the
comment will appear)?
> What about the other sheets, where you able to view the charts?Yes. For example: KILLS sheet: Scores > up to 250% Level Number 1 >
> If there is other information you can spare, please state that too!I was able to unlock your sheet by copying it and pasting it in a new
blank XLS file.
> I thank you all so very much for the cooperation!You're welcome!