I was not truely offended. Yes, I have been told that by Suyono already. I am making practice levels that include A-tanks in them (because I don't know how to do anything else with them yet) and I have mastered the rotary mirrors and have also made clones of Anon's Sokomania levels. I will send you a more private e-mail that contains three levels like that. I only ask that you DO NOT send them in in your name, because I would be more than offended if you did that. I will show you a peek at my level file that contains 201 of my levels that I have made and accumulated over the course of 3 years (since I have not sent in a level in over 2 years). I am sending all 201 of them in for putting in at the end of this month. (on the 27th) and then will see what the GHS hunters rate my levels. I think that I might have made at least 2 Medium or higher levels. See my e-mail Medium Level for one such level that I think is Easy now.
> From: "chdvl" <[email protected]>
> Date: 2004/05/19 Wed AM 06:39:17 CDT
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Super puzzle solvers