# Modified Difficulty Colors.
I can't believe all the discussion on this subject. We must be close
to a BUG free LaserTank.
# Fixed bugs with the Playback Feature.
Everyone please test the record & Playback ( do one of the longer
levels and save multiple times during the recording )
# Changed so Autorecord will only ask for user name once per session.
I was shooting for autorecord having NO prompts ( And for 10 minutes
it did it ) But I realized a big problem with this. If you are saving
a file that was already saved it would write over the file. As it is
now the "Save" window does a Check to see if the file is being
written over. I might rethink this or do a manual check for a file
writeover but I am not sure at this point.
# "Game on Progress" Dialog. I added a conferming window when you do
anything that could loose game data ( Skip, Prev, Exit the program)
The window ask's if you want to save the game ( even if record is not
turned on)