How to add a new Graphic File to Lasertank.
- First, you
have to download some .LTG file from the Lasertank Utility
- Open the Yahoo Group
- Click on Lasertank
Utility Page,
- Click on Lasertank
Graphics Files(LTG),
- On The left frame,
choose one of the authors,
- On the right side
you will see the author's collection
- Choose the .LTG file
you want to download by clicking on the name,
- Place this file in
your Lasertank directory, or one that you prefer.
- Now start your
Lasertank game,
- Choose [Options],
and in there choose [Change Graphics],
- Now in the "Select
Graphics Set" window, you should see the Graphic files name that you have
- If there is no name,
click on [change Directory] and browse to the directory you had
downloaded the graphic files,
- Now select the
graphic file name you want, and your Lasertank game will have a new