The good news is - I understand what you want. The bad news is -
these numbers are (sorry for the bluntness) meaningless. For
example, using your numbers from Message #3291, suppose that you
re-did Level 1 and got 18 M & 11 S (vice 20 M & 15 S). Your 'already
done' numbers would change to 51 M & 78 S, and your 'need to do'
numbers would CHANGE to 100-51=49 M & 130-78=52 S. But the amount of
work that you need to do to complete the remaining levels HAS NOT
All of these numbers (if you still want them) can be calculated,
by spreadsheet functions, from the (tab delimited) output of the List
High Scores Utility (LTListHS.EXE).
Good Luck,
--- In Lasertank@y..., "tlosv" <simeonv@s...> wrote:
> I'll try to explain. You have a personal highscore file. There are
> the scores from levels. Let's say you have this in it:
> .hs file
> Level 1 - 20 M & 15 S
> Level 2 - 33 M & 67 S
> etc.
> .ghs file
> Level 1 - 18 M & 10 S
> Level 2 - 33 M & 60 S
> etc.
> The program should calculate the number of moves and the number of
> shots you've already done. So that means that it does this : 20 +
> from the .hs file. This means you've done 53 moves and you can also
> calculate this way that you have 82 shots. With 'moves and shots
> you've already done' I mean the total of the moves and shots you've
> done that is written in the player's .hs file. Ok, then it
> the same thing for the .ghs file (51 M & 70 S). So here's it again:
> .hs file
> Total for all levels - 53 M & 82 S
> .ghs file
> Total for all levels - 51 M & 70 S
> Now it can calculate the number of moves you still have to do
> (because it's most likely you won't have solved every level). So
> let's say that the total for all levels in the .ghs file is 100 M &
> 130 S. So then it displays that from the 100 M & 130 S, you've
> already done 53 M & 82 S and that you need to do : 100-53 M &
> S. Only, the highscores for this player don't match the .ghs
> So it could be that the calculations aren't correct if you look at
> that way. Hmm, well, anyway. I hope you get the idea. To say it
> simple: the program shows the total of the number of moves & shots
> the .ghs file & it shows the total of the number of moves & shots
> the .hs file. Then it can calculate the number of moves you still
> need to do before you've solved every level.
> Simeon
> PS Maybe I haven't explained it very well...