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--- In [email protected], "Yono in Jkt." <yono_in_jkt@...> wrote:
> Dear tere and other LaserTankers,
> When I saw the GHS of Sokoban-I #1989 "Plain Sokoban
> 23"
> I noticed that there was a major shortcut. (Many
> blocks
> were unused because the GHS number of shots was so
> small.) Although I didn't know tere's solution, I
> could
> guess what happened.
> (If there's shortcut in a Sokoban level, we can throw/
> waste blocks into water without worrying deadlock or
> block deficiency/shortage. -> No fun.)
> Therefore, I modified the level by adding water at F4.
> I'll submit the modified level to Donald soon. (I
> supposed he is not home this week.)
> I'm sorry tere. I hope you still win the GHS after the
> modification.
> Bye,
> Suyono
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