----- Original Message -----From: Suyono H. YapharSent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:51 PMSubject: Re: Bug ou non?Hi Bartok, Donald, and Mick:
The program�s counter adds the extra move when the tank moves after the
exit tunnel is free. The counter is still at 2/2 after the second shot
(before the exit tunnel is free). Only after the tank is sent to the
free exit tunnel, the counter becomes 3/2. To show this, I modified the
level. (I delay the tank's movement so we could see the counters while
the laser moves.) See the attachment. (Bartok_Modified.zip).
Suyono H. Yaphar
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Re: Bug ou non?
From Donald Drouin at 2003-03-14 20:36:27