Luiz Rodrigues
--- Donald Drouin <[email protected]> escreveu:
> Hi Suyono,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'll do it.
> Donald
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Suyono
> To: [email protected]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 7:33 PM
> Subject: Non-English version of T-w-P / G-O-i-LT?
> It has been about six months since
> Tutor-with-Playbacks was introduced on
> December 24, 2004. It has 112 levels and
> it's almost stable now.
> Probably it needs one more month to
> stabilize, including revising the ReadMe
> file. Of course, better lpbs, new
> tricks, and shortcut eliminations are
> always welcomed as long as the package
> is available for downloading.
> After the July version (one month after
> this June version), probably we may
> start thinking of the French version
> (ReadMe file and the Hints,) assuming
> there's volunteer to translate them.
> Language problem can't be
> underestimated. When looking for some
> sokoban websites, I found some of them
> in German. I had difficulty when I
> couln't find the word "download" or
> something like that. Some good sokoban
> programs are also in German (one of them
> is in DOS and has a unique rule, i.e.
> the block on the paint area becomes
> floor; another program has more than 50
> level sets or thousands of well known
> levels, but we must solve the levels in
> order in a level set.) Finally, I found
> a very good LT website of Manfred Sauke
> because it's bilingual (English and
> German.) LT Help file is in German
> there. There are also solutions
> (click on "lösungen") of some LaserTank
> and Challenge-II levels in two
> languages. That's a kind of helpful
> tutorial, especially for those who
> understand German or English.
> Bye,
> Suyono
> Yahoo! Groups LinksLuiz Paumgartten Rodrigues
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