That would be handier than LPB sometimes... And if you could make a
program that converted reverse, that would be super.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Vic Drastik" <vicdrastik@o...> wrote:
> I have created a new notation for recording the solutions of
> LaserTank levels. It is meant to allow players to note down their
> answers for future use without needing to record them using .lpb
> files.
> It is quite simple -
> L = Left arrow
> U = Up arrow
> R = Right arrow
> D = Down arrow
> F = Fire ( spacebar )
> If there is more than 1 action , the symbol is followed by a
> repetition count. If there is only 1 action , no repetition count
> added.
> I have also written a programme to convert .lpb files into the new
> notation - here is the output for Level 11 "Behind Enemy Lines"
> L00011
> Behind Enemy Lines
> Vic
> Number of steps is 41
> R11UF5U5R2UFU10R5
> i.e. right 11 times , up , fire 5 times , up 5 times , right 2
> times , up , fire , up 10 times , then right 5 times to finish.
> This notation can be used to send full or part solutions via email
> without needing to create .lpb files. Also , the solutions to
> multiple levels can be stored in a single file.
> If anyone is interested , I will write a programme to do the
reverse -
> that is , turn solutions in human-readable form into .lpb files
> make it available to the group.
> Vic