>On the ratings issue, I only solved 'Down the drain' with the help
>pics and this is truely a deadly game however I solved 'Up the creek'
>in one hour after 3 goes, rated deadly too. This goes to show what is
>hard for some is easy for others and vice versa. Good idea Donald to
>take the average from ratings. Also games 969 and 970 (two way
>mirrors are the problem) are to me hard and still unsolved yet they
>are rated easy. I am romping through the hard Sokoban games so why
>can't I get these "easy" ones? Maybe Sokoban is my style and mirrors
>and such aren't.This is the reason why I think that levels re-rating should be done by those who beat the High Scores.
(They are most experimented)
>There needs to be a help file on the two way mirrors and also on the
>tunnels. I understand how tunnels work basically yet I am having
>trouble with Sokoban level 387 (three blocks to go) and a better
>understanding on what tunnels can do would help me solve it. Same
>with 388.Go to your personal email, I've send you something to help you wit these 2 levels.
>Another thing is I like the icon on the desktop but when I move the
>HS file to a folder I lose all my remembered levels which means I
>have to have both icons on my desktop for each game and with 6 game
>sets that means 12 icons must be on my desktop which is a clutter. Is
>there any way to store the HS file with the LVL file as one without
>having both in a seperate folder. At the moment I have folders in 'My
>Games' as a shortcut on desktop but would prefer the one icon for
>each LVL set instead.Here's my directories structure to avoid problems :I have only one Lasertank Icon on my desktop (the path is "C:\Program Files\LaserTank\lasertank.exe")The subdirectory C:\Program Files\LaserTank\ contain the program file, the help file, the ini files the uninstall file and the graphics files (LTG files)I have created these subdirectories
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Lasertank
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Challenge-I
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Challenge-II
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Sokoban-I
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Beginner-I
C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Special-IEach of these subdirectory contain the corresponding files
Example :C:\Program Files\LaserTank\Lasertank contain Lasertank.lvl, Lasertank.ghs, Lasertank.hs and all my Lasertank.lpbC:\Program Files\LaserTank\Challenge-I contain Challenge-I.lvl, Challenge-I.ghs, Challenge-I.hs and all my Challenge-I.lpbsame thing for all subdirectories.When you click on the icon, it launch Lasertank and open the last level file you were working on when you quitted the last time.To work with another level file, you use the "Game" menu and select "Open Data File"That works for me.P.S. It's also possible to associate the .LVL extension to the Lasertank.exe program and then with the same directories structure, create 6 Icon (links) toward your 6 levels files.But I know that this doesn't work for some people, I think this has something to do with the operating system you use.You can experiment it.
>Lastly it would be handy to know what to open all file types with so
>it is readable and playable. Ie: I opened Bunker challenger with
>Lasertank.exe and I can't read a thing and the games are all wrong. I
>realise it is a LTG file so what should I open this with?The LTG file (LaserTank Graphics file) is a file you load when you go to the "Options" menu and select "Change Graphics"The LPB file (Level PlayBack file) is a file you load when you go to the "Game" menu and select "Playback Game"The LVL file (LaserTank Level file) is a file you load when you go to the "Game" menu and select "Open Data File"ByeDonald
Re: To the levels evaluators.
From Donald Drouin at 2002-12-19 01:21:24