----- Original Message -----From: spooty3Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 2:35 PMSubject: Re: I completed a deadly level 4 the 1st time today! :)Congratulations on solving 40 - as a matter of fact, I'd been trying
to solve 36 and 40 off and on for a year. I finally stumbled on the
solution to 36 a couple of weeks ago, but 40 still eludes me, so I'm
in the opposite situation!
But no hints, please - I'm gonna solve all 2030 if it kills me!
Spooty (1646 solved of 2030)
--- In Lasertank@y..., "the_bees_cheese" <the_bees_cheese@y...> wrote:
> I solved level 40 (down the drain). I am now trying 2 solve level
> (up a creek), any1 got any hints its 2 hard!
Re: I completed a deadly level 4 the 1st time today! :)
From Donald Drouin at 2002-12-06 09:55:22