I DID visit your forum once. Before
joining a club, people see if there
is something interesting. There is no
topic for discussion in the forum. If
we write there, how many people read?
Your forum is new. It still has time
to grow. People will go there if it
can provide useful or important
information regarding LT. You can also
offer some interesting or hot topics
for discussion. You can ask many
people - although they are not members
yet - to answer some questions on LT.
Just for the start. I know only a
little about LT, nothing compares to
Kheper's, Steve's, Donald's, Yves',
Mikulka's, Harvey's, etc. (Not to
mention Jim's.)
About moderating a forum, you may ask
some tips from Donald, Mick (wackojacko),
Good luck.
[email protected] wrote:
> Will you be joining the forums soon, Suyono?