i am old enough to remember the movie kellys heros. you know the part in the film that oddball the tank commander is blowing up the naiz train depot?? he is playing a hank williams jr. song and you can here the explosions and the song.
sounds great to me .
oddball is my favorite character in the movie. 8-) a crazy tank commander ha ha ha ah
that is what i want with laser tanks to here the laser and the song of my choice.??
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristian Alexander Harlem
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: New ideas!
Hello I have some ideas!
1: Sound Editor!
The name speaks for itselfs...
2: 5 characters in highscore...
Why would it hurt? It wont ruin old .HS files...
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