That's an interesting level for
Tutor.LVL. It needs your more
modification, like:
1) Completely new level name.
2) New author name. (LFE to FLE).
3) In the hint: a) Inspired by Ihab
NAIRI's "Pousse-pousse 2"* in Tutor.LVL;
b) Explain the differences when entering
C5, D5, and E5; c) Mention that it's the
M6 A-T that shoots itself three times.
* We don't refer to level number because
it has the possibility to change in the
future. (We never know.)
Thank you for the nice level.
lfe_7413 wrote:
> I was experimenting with Suyono's LT
> quiz 4, when I found an interesting
> phenomenon (see attached level. It's
> not really related to the quiz level
> any more. The antitank shoots itself
> 3 times.
> What do you think? What should I do
> with it?