What do YOU want in future versions of LaserTank? I am now accepting feature suggestions for LaserTank 5.1 (the next minor release train), as well as feature suggestions for LaserTank 6.0 (the next major release train). I will gladly take bug reports too - if any post-5.0.0 bugs are reported they will get fixed in 5.0.1, since 5.0.0 is basically code-frozen at this point, and is undergoing final testing before official release tomorrow.
Just so we don't duplicate effort, here's what I've got planned:
For 5.1:
* Print GameBoard implementation
* Cheat support (score tracking will be turned off when cheats are used)
For 6.0:
* Total rewrite in Python (which version of Python TBD)
* Support for input devices other than keyboards, mice, and trackpads to control game play