My knowledge about the field contents of .LVL, .LPB, and .GHS files is merely based on guessing. It�s my guess regarding playback (.lpb) file:
1 � 30: Level name (Actually, you can�t write as many as 30 characters
for a level name. Try.)
31: Null character.
32 - �&: Player�s initial. (At least nine characters. Null characters
62: Null character.
63 - 64: Level number. (Base 256, Least Significant Digit first, Most
Significant Digit follows. Value = 0 � 65,535)
65 - 66: Number of steps. (Base 256, LSD first, MSD follows. Value
= 0 � 65,535)
67 - �&: The play. [Space = shoot,
% = turn/move left, &
= turn/move up, � = turn/move right,
( = turn/move down.]
When I made LPB-Print.exe, I didn�t think that �Level number� and �Number of steps� are important to us, so I didn�t include them in the printout. If the text file will be converted back to LPB file, first the LPB-Print.exe must be revised so to include the �Level number� and �Number of steps� in the output.
I think that explain your question.
Additional info regarding LPB-Print.exe:
Sometimes �Number_of_moves� (M1) in the text file is different with the �Moves_counter� (M2) displayed. There are two known reasons:
1. If M1>M2, there is event that the tank tries to move against an object. (You hear sound, �Ugh!�) In this case, M2 doesn�t change, but LaserTank.exe records the move in LPB file. On the other hand, LPB-Print doesn�t know the board and all objects on it, M1 is increased by one. (LPB-Print counts M and S after removing �turns� that share the same characters as �moves�. Imagine if the player makes unnecessary turns.)
2. If M1<M2, there is event that the tank on an empty tunnel shoots a movable object that is sitting on the exit of the previous tunnel. The tank emerges at the exit tunnel. LaserTank.exe increases both M2 and S2, not only S2. That�s a bug in LaserTank.exe. (Message #4546: �Bug ou non?�) On the other hand, LPB-print doesn�t see the tunnels; it increases S1 but doesn�t increase M1.
Finally, if you find moves record like this, ��&, MU: 3x, MU: 2x, �&�, it means the tank moves up three times, makes unnecessary turn(s), then moves up again twice. I could make it "MU: 5x", but later I though, "It's better that way so the unnecessary turn(s) could be detected." (Some times the tank should look to the left and right to see the enemies.)
Have a nice weekend, Steve.
Suyono H. Yaphar
Stephen Ryan wrote:
i used the utility LPB-Print.exe to make a text file from an lpb file. is there a way to convert a text file back an lpb playback file?