one possible solution (at least in short and maybe middle terms)
would be the use of another compression, like ACE
( (october update: 1.33 mb / 1,398,145 bytes)
or CAB (yes, that's the one from Microsoft) (1.24 mb / 1,301,110
bytes) (for comparision reasons: ZIP, the format used now: 1.49 mb /
1.569.151 bytes; uncompressed: 8.17 mb / 8,568,798 bytes).
greetings, Philipp
--- In [email protected], "imans314" <imans314@h...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am saving the monthly update on a disk, but now the file size is
> bigger than a disk.
> Is it possible to keep the file at the size of a disk?
> greetings,
> Paula