on the hint page:
>>>>>>>>>QUOTE<<<<<<<<<<<Why the LPB files are not available ?
The real goal of LaserTank is not to watch playback files,
but to solve the Levels by yourself.
Using playback files will surely ruin your fun.
As soon as you solve a level by using a hint or a LPB file,
you lose forever the opportunity to feel the satisfaction
of having solved this level by your own efforts,
thus missing the experience of success.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<Indicating the lpb files were not available from the author of this
website (although, incidentally, I think the reason is stupid; what
really ruins your fun is wondering whether the level really is
beatable (everybody can make mistakes); sometimes when you see an
answer you'd think, "I *never* would have seen that;" and also there
are stupid glitches in the program that are taken advantage of). I
did not know this was some cosmic law that no one could do without
being obliterated or something. Anyone who can solve the level and
save the recording and send it to me.
But thanks for your helpful answer.
[Thought I deleted original message??? How did it get through?]
--- In [email protected], <mzapdoswi@t...> wrote:
> No, we cannot send you the lpb for the file since it says that IN
BIG LETTERS ON THE HOMEPAGE that lpb's are never given out to anyone.
> Thanks,
> Razorflame
> >
> > From: "lansinghunt" <lansinghunt@y...>
> > Date: 2004/11/10 Wed PM 04:10:08 CST
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: Need help with Level 184
> >
> >