If you see a number like this: XXXXXXXX.
It has 8 digits. If each digit has ten
different possible states (0, 1, 2, . .
., 9), it's a base-10 (decimal) system.
A counter is a device that can count.
Therefore, an 8-digit Decimal Counter
can count from 00000000 to 99999999.
Special-I_No-LPB #39: Initialize the
counter by shooting down eight times.
You will see that the eight mirrors are
in row 6. The counter is at state
00000000 now. (Each mirror represents
one digit.)
Let's see the least significant digit
(the mirror in column O). The mirror has
ten possible places: O6, O7, O7, . . .,
and O15 that each represents the value
of the digit, i.e. 0, 1, 2, . . ., or 9.
If you play the level correctly (to
reach the flag efficiently),
theoretically the counter will count up
to 99999999 where the eight mirrors are
in row 15. (Unfortunately, LaserTank's
move-counter can't count that big.)
I forget, either Donald or Steve wrote
in this forum some good web sites that
explain the number systems.